
Efficient conservation & use of plant genetic resources based on improved and scientifically sound technologies depend on sustained research to answer important questions. Institutes conserving plant genetic resources can be more effective if they are able to undertake priority research activities. Since much of the research involves several disciplines, a multidisciplinary approach is needed. Based on the research findings, appropriate protocols & procedures need to be developed & used at genebank level. Perhaps most importantly, utilization of genetic resources depends on good research linkages with plant breeders as well as direct linkages with farmers & other users. The CBD articles 12b and 12c specify priority research areas and almost all the priority GPA activities suggest areas for research.

Two different types of research may be carried out in a country.

Strategic research is required to advance knowledge and improve conservation and use technologies in general. A broad range of strategic research topics related to PGR are listed below:

Applied research or research of more practical nature may be the bulk of research on PGR in many countries, often concerned with use or deriving benefits from PGR. Applied research topics include:

Generally, both types of research undertaken in a country may documented in various types of publications both at the local level and in more formal publications. The extent of jointly produced reports by two or more organizations working together can indicate the degree of collaboration on PGR within the country.

More information:

International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR)

FAO. 1998. Methods for analysing and assessing genetic diversity, erosion and vulnerability. Pp. 313-336 in State of the Worlds’ Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome Italy.

Prain, G.D. 1994. Local knowledge and global science: the need for partnership in plant genetic resources research. Pp. 320 in Local knowledge and global science: the need for partnership in plant genetic resources research. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Genetic Resources (G.D. Prain and C.P. Bagalonon, eds.). UPWARD. Los Baños, Philippines.

